If We Don’t Perform as Promised, We’ll Sell Your Home for FREE!


Home Sale Program


Will Your Home Sell When You Need it to?

While every agent will promise to sell your home, the reality of the real estate market today is that this simply doesn’t always happen. The fact of the matter is, the majority of homes listed for sale sit on the market for months, and many of these homes never sell at all. Needless to say, this is highly frustrating to a homeseller like you. But more than this, it can be financially crushing if you’re counting on the sale of your home to fulfill some other obligation.

Our Guaranteed Sale Program Makes Us Accountable to You

The reasons why some homes sell and others don’t often have nothing to do with the home or the market. In reality, a home that sits unsold may be one of the more desirable properties for sale, with the lack of buyer activity usually reflecting a problem in one or more of these four major areas:

1. Marketing

2. Pricing

3. Condition of Your Home

4. Teamwork/Accountability

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